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Unit: DXFConv


This class defines special type for insert a linear dimension measuring. A linear dimension measuring the distance between two points which is displayed parallel to the points being measured. In aligned dimensions, the dimension line is parallel to the extension line origins.


TsgDXFDimension = class(TsgDXFInsert)


ArcDefPointGets or sets the point defining the dimension arc for angular dimensions.
ArrowSizeGets or sets the size of the arrowhead.
ArrowTypeGets or sets a type of arrow exterior.
ArrowType1Gets or sets a type of the first arrow exterior.
ArrowType2Gets or sets a type of the second arrow exterior.
ArrowTypeLGets or sets the arrow block name for leaders.
AssociatedReturns associated entity.
DefPointReturns definition point.
DIMBLKGets or sets the arrowhead block displayed at the ends of dimension lines.
DIMBLK1Gets or sets the arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line.
DIMBLK2Gets or sets the arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line.
DIMCLRDAssigns colors to dimension lines, arrowheads, and dimension leader lines.
DIMCLREAssigns colors to extension lines, center marks, and centerlines.
DIMCLRTAssigns colors to dimension text.
DIMLDRBLKSpecifies the arrow type for leaders.
DIMLWDAssigns lineweight to dimension lines.
DIMLWEAssigns lineweight to extension lines.
DIMSD1Controls suppression of the first dimension line and arrowhead.
DIMSD2Controls suppression of the second dimension line and arrowhead.
DIMSE1Controls suppression of the first extension line.
DIMSE2Controls suppression of the second extension line.
DIMTIHControls the position of dimension text inside the extension lines.
DIMTOHControls the position of dimension text outside the extension lines.
ExtLineExtGets or sets a distance to extend the extension lines above a dimension line.
ExtLineOffsetGets or sets a distance to offset the extension lines from the points on the drawing that define a dimension.
FlagsSets or gets a dimension type byte.
ForceTextGets or sets the force text inside extensions if nonzero.
LinDefPoint1Sets/gets first definition point for linear and angular dimensions.
LinDefPoint2Sets/gets second definition point for linear and angular dimensions.
MeasurementsScaleGets or sets linear measurements scale factor.
MiddlePointSets or gets a middle point of the dimension text.
PrecisionSets or gets a number of decimal places for the tolerance values.
RadDefPointSets or gets the definition point for diameter, radius, and angular dimensions.
StyleGets or sets dimension style.
TextAlignGets the integer value specifing text alignment or sets text alignment by this integer value.
TextHeighGets or sets a height of the dimension text.
TextOffsetGets or sets a gap between the dimension text and the dimension line.
TextOverrideFor internal uses.
TextPosVertGets or sets the text above dimension line if nonzero.
TextRotationGets or sets the rotation angle of the dimension text.
TextStyleGets or sets style of the dimension text.
Derived from TsgDXFInsertDescription
AngleThe property sets or gets a rotation angle.
AttribsThe property returns a list of the TsgDXFAttrib entities.
BlockThe property sets or gets inserted block.
ExtrusionThe property displays direction to local axis z.
OwnerThe property for nested block references, points to the TsgDXFInsert object whose block contains this block reference.
ScaleThe property contains scale in the X , Y and Z directions.
Derived from TsgDXFCustomVertexDescription
PointThe property contains coordinates of the vertex.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
BoxThe property determines the 3d box embraced the entity.
ColorThe property gets or sets entity color.
ColorCADThe property gets or sets a color for drawing entities.
ComplexThe property determines whether a entity is populated with child entities.
ConverterThe property returns the TsgDXFConverter class object.
CountThe property indicates the total number of child entities.
EntitiesThe property lists all child entities.
EntTypeThe property indicates type of an entity.
HandleThe property is used for finding entity links.
LayerThe property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given.
LineTypeThe property sets and gets line type for an entity.
LineTypeScaleThe property sets and gets the Linetype scale.
LineWeightThe property sets or gets line weight in millimeters.
PaperSpaceThe property indicates Model Space and Paper Space entity segregation.
SrcEndThe property indicates end position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
SrcStartThe property indicates start position of the entity description in the source CAD file.
VisibilityThe property sets and gets entities visibility.
VisibleThe property determines whether the component appears onscreen.


AssignEntityCopies properties of source entity to a current entity.
DestroyDestroys an instance of the TsgDXFDimension class.
Derived from TsgDXFInsertDescription
AssignEntityThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity.
AttribThe method returns the ATTRIB entity with given tag specified by S, and its insertion point.
CreateCreates an instance of the TsgDXFInsert class object.
DestroyFrees up all internal objects before destroying this object.
EntNameThe method returns TsgDXFBlock.Name or returns TsgDXFEntity.EntName.
FindBlockThe method returns the TsgDXFBlock entity specified by the AName parameter if exists.
GetMatrixThe method returns a coordinate-transformation matrix.
RealColorThe method inserts a specified entity to a list at a position specified by AIndex.
RealLayerThe method returns AColor.
Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
CloneThe method copies properties of source entity to current entity (include Handle).
DrawThe method generates the OnDraw event.
GetBoxPointsThe method is used in drawing cycle for fast checking whether the entity must be drawn.
GetThicknessThe method returns entity's thickness.
SetLTypeThe method sets line type of the entity.
SetLWeightThe method sets line weight width of the entity.


Derived from TsgDXFEntityDescription
OnDrawThe event occurs when the Draw method is called.